Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Wednesday October 9


NH – Novice High Proficiency Level
NH.CLL.2.4 Compare simple fiction texts with non-fiction texts about familiar topics.
NH.CLL.3.1 Create simple phrases and short sentences in spoken or written presentations to provide information about familiar topics.
NH.CLL.3.2 Use the language to recite and act out poetry, songs, and simple stories from the target culture.
NH.CLL.3.3 Produce simple dialogues and short skits using familiar structures and vocabulary.
NH.CLL.4.1 Classify basic cultural practices of people in the target culture and the students’ culture.
NH.CLL.4.2 Use learned cognates and loan words to express ideas on familiar topics.
NH.CLL.4.3 Analyze the language conventions from simple written and spoken texts in the target language.
NH.COD.2.2 Analyze simple texts containing familiar vocabulary from other disciplines in terms of the main ideas and supporting details.
NH.COD.2.3 Interpret simple processes from other disciplines using the target language.
NH.COD.3.3 Use readily available technology tools and digital literacy skills to present academic information in the target language.
NH.COD.4.1 Understand cultural practices and perspectives from the target culture.
NH.COD.4.2 Identify the products of the target culture.
NH.CMT.2 Understand words and concepts presented in the language.         
NH.CMT.2.1 Understand practices, products, and perspectives on familiar topics from simple texts.
NH.CMT.4 Compare the students’ culture and the target culture.     
NH.CMT.4.1 Compare traditions and events of the target culture and the students’ culture.
NH.CMT.4.2 Identify examples of products, practices, and perspectives in the community related to the target culture.NH.CMT.4.3 Identify key characteristics of target culture traditions.

Check answers for 25b and 25c.

Study vocabulary for Chapter 25 (Quizlet)

Story 25 First Morning in Rome. Use the translation to finish the story. Try to translate the Latin first, then check your translation(s)Quizlet translation of Story 25

Read pages 230-237 (skipping Exericse 25e, p. 234) on the city of  Rome. Next study further the Forum Romanum via Google Classroom. Then do the one page assignment. This may require more time than one class period. You can continue this work on Thursday. 

Forum Romanum in the Age of Augustus
Note: so many things are associated with the term “Iulia, Iulii etc” because the name refers to the Julian family (Gens Iulia) from whom rulers came from Julius Caesar through Nero.

1. Tabularium
78 B.c., housing the state archives.

2. Templum Concordiae
Temple of Harmony, built by Camillus in 366 B.C. in honor of harmony established between patricians and plebs.

3. Templum Saturni
Temple of Saturn, the old god of Golden Age Italy; founded 497 B.c.; the Saturnalia was celebrated on December 17.

4. Basilica Iulia
An immense building housing courts of law; begun by Julius Caesar and completed by Augustus.

5. Rostra Speakers' Platform, originally decorated with rostra, beaks of ships captured in naval battles.

6. Templum Castoris
Temple of Castor or Temple of the Dioscuri; originally built in 484 B.C. to commemorate the Roman victory over the Tarquins after the expulsion of the kings; the Dioscuri or "Sons of Zeus"-Castor and Pollux-were said to have appeared at a critical moment and secured victory for the Romans over the Tarquins and their allies at the Battle of Lake Regillus.

7. Templum Divi Iulii
Temple of the Deified Julius Caesar; built in 29 B.C. by Augustus on the spot where Caesar's body was cremated and his will read by Antony after Caesar's assassination on the Ides of March in 44 B.c.

8. Templum Vestae
Temple of Vesta, where the city's sacred fire burned and was guarded by the Vestal Virgins.

9. Regia
Home or office of the chief priest or Pontifex Maximus; said originally to have been the palace of the second king, Numa Pompilius.

10. Basilica Aemilia
Originally built in 179 B.C.

11. Curia Iulia
Senate House; originally the Curia Hostilia, built by one of the early kings of Rome, Tullus Hostilius; damaged or destroyed many times and rebuilt by Julius Caesar in 44 B.C.

12. Forum Iulium
The Forum of Julius Caesar was built as an annex to the Forum Romanum to provide more space for public business, and especially for the business of the Senate.

13. Templum Veneris Genetricis
At one end of the colonnaded Forum of Julius Caesar, stood the Temple of Venus Genetrix, the ancestress of the Gens Iulia, on a high podium.

14. Forum Augustum or Forum Augusti
Within the grand colonnades of the Forum of Augustus, stood a series of statues of the Julian clan and the summi viri of Rome, while in the hemicycles were displayed the statue groups of Aeneas carrying Anchises on his shoulder while leading Ascanius by his hand and of Romulus carrying a trophy of the spolia opima of Acron, king of the Caeninenses.

15. Templum Martis Ultoris
Augustus vowed to build the elaborately decorated Temple of Mars Ultor (the Avenger) on the eve of the Battle of Philippi; in it he placed statues of the deified Julius Caesar, of Venus with Cupid, and of Mars in full armor.

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