Saturday, October 12, 2019

Tuesday October 15

Tuesday October 15 - Latin III

Homework: Study vocabulary for Chapter 26

Bellwork: Do Quia review of Kahn Academy Videos on ancient Rome, the Pantheon and Trajan's column (multiple choice).

Submit your description and image of a building in the Forum of Augustus in Google Classroom.

Assist Latin II students in doing these two assignments. Make sure you understand the Latin II assignments before you step forth to assist:

1) Google Classroom Kings of Rome assignment (due by the end of class). Do the reading, watch the video, answer the questions and submit to Google Classroom by the end of class. Or end of the day. Due October 15

Here are the names of the seven kings of Rome for your notebooks:

Romulus                                       753-716 (37)
Numa Pompilius                          715-673 (40)
Tullus Hostilius                            673-638 (35)
Ancus Marcius                             638-614 (24)
Tarquinius Priscus                        614-576 (38)
Servius Tullius                              576-535 (41)
Tarquinius Superbus                     535-510 (25)

2) Read more about the Monarchy here. Each student should choose one king of Rome to investigate further using the Monarchy (above) text and the textbook reading in Google Classroom (textbook pages 109-111). One student should choose the figure Lucretia. Then each student should write up an one paragraph impersonation of their historical figure. Plan to act out while reading your text tomorrow. Don't double up. Each student should present a different figure.


Latin III Classwork

For Latin III: Find a short summary of each king's reign here.

When you are not assisting Latin II, study the painting by Renaissance painter Sandro Botticelli of the story of Lucretia (painting). Notes on painting. Identify the parts of the painting described in the Notes.

Question to discuss among yourselves and answer in your notebooks: Botticelli alludes to the story of Judith in his painting that focuses on Lucretia. Judith murdered, beheaded, the general oppressing her people (the Jews). Lucretia kills herself when raped by an oppressor. Why do you think Botticelli might have included Judith? Does he think both are equally heroines? Does he step back from valorizing Lucretia's suicide by including a heroine who acted in an opposite way? Is he condemning Lucretia's action by including Judith?

This painting was on/for a wedding present for a bride (painted on a large wooden trunk). It was destined to stand in the bedroom of the new bride. The painting has both a personal and political context. The Notes on the painting record that a statue of Judith stood on the main governmental piazza in Florence at the time of Botticelli's painting and was at that time a symbol of Florence, the city where the painting was painted.

To see the statue of Judith by Donatello and learn more about it go here: Piazza della Signoria website.

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