25c translations

In the sentence "Venit tamen dies reditus" the -u in reditus is long, which makes it a genitive noun.  Hence "day of return." Reditus is a very rare 4th declension masculine noun. I suppose the textbook decided to use it here because it is 4th declension. 

1. At midnight I heard a great uproar. What was the cause of this uproar? Oxen were pulling wagons through the streets with a loud noise. At first the noise was far away; then the uproar was in our street.

2. We do many things with our hands. Eucleides was holding a pen in (his) hand, for he was teaching the boys to write. The boys had climbed trees. before with (their) hands and feet. Therefore their hands were dirty. Eucleides ordered them to wash (their) hands at once.

3. For many days we were staying in the country house. However, the day of return (the day for us.to return) came. It was necessary to make a three days' journey, because we wanted to return to the city very quickly. On that day we departed. For two days we were journeying along the Appian Way. On the third day we arrived at Rome.

4. Titus told us a strange story. A slave, who was walking through the streets of the city at night, suddenly fled terrified. What was the cause of this thing? In the street he had met a dog that, as he himself said, had three heads. We often read about such things in books, but never have we ourselves seen such a thing. About this incident all the citizens tell many stories.

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