Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Tuesday October 8

NH – Novice High Proficiency Level
NH.CLL.2.4 Compare simple fiction texts with non-fiction texts about familiar topics.
NH.CLL.3.1 Create simple phrases and short sentences in spoken or written presentations to provide information about familiar topics.
NH.CLL.3.2 Use the language to recite and act out poetry, songs, and simple stories from the target culture.
NH.CLL.3.3 Produce simple dialogues and short skits using familiar structures and vocabulary.
NH.CLL.4.1 Classify basic cultural practices of people in the target culture and the students’ culture.
NH.CLL.4.2 Use learned cognates and loan words to express ideas on familiar topics.
NH.CLL.4.3 Analyze the language conventions from simple written and spoken texts in the target language.
NH.COD.2.2 Analyze simple texts containing familiar vocabulary from other disciplines in terms of the main ideas and supporting details.
NH.COD.2.3 Interpret simple processes from other disciplines using the target language.
NH.COD.3.3 Use readily available technology tools and digital literacy skills to present academic information in the target language.
NH.COD.4.1 Understand cultural practices and perspectives from the target culture.
NH.COD.4.2 Identify the products of the target culture.
NH.CMT.2 Understand words and concepts presented in the language.         
NH.CMT.2.1 Understand practices, products, and perspectives on familiar topics from simple texts.
NH.CMT.4 Compare the students’ culture and the target culture.     
NH.CMT.4.1 Compare traditions and events of the target culture and the students’ culture.
NH.CMT.4.2 Identify examples of products, practices, and perspectives in the community related to the target culture.NH.CMT.4.3 Identify key characteristics of target culture traditions.

Essential question: what are the main characteristics of the 4th and 5th declensions? Which endings can be confusing because identical? E.G. nominative singular, nominative plural and accusative plural of 5th declension nouns?

Bellwork. Copy the chart of 4th and 5th declension nouns and list of nouns from 4th and 5th declensions. Then do Exercise 25b

Guided: Check answers

Review Vocabulary from Story 25

Use this Quizlet translation of Story 25 to work through the story. Try to translate collectively each sentence, then check the translation. Just do the first paragraph or so.

Then do for class and homework do in Google Classroom 23c-d Activity Book - 4th and 5th declensions.

Homework: Watch these Kahn Academy video on ancient Rome. Note (in writing) information or insights that especially interest you?
The city
The Pantheon
Forum of Trajan

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