Sunday, October 20, 2019

Tuesday October 22

Tuesday October 22
Task 01
Finish working through the translation of Story 27, if you did not do so Monday. 

Task 02. 27b Activity Book. Sextus Tells it His Way

Task 03 Do 27c in Activity Book that poses questions on the Story. 

Task 04
Look ahead to an assignment that will be due Friday. Choose* one the following for your project:

Write a descriptive newspaper story, complete with headlines and pictures, about a circus event and the victory or mishap of a charioteer. Give a detailed description of the race that ended in victory or defeat of your charioteer. Give biographical details about the charioteer. What faction does he ride for? Has ridden for? Be creative AND use specific details from the historical texts (As the Romans Did & the EcceRomani readings from the teacher’s manual.) Cite these texts by giving the author and title of the text in parentheses. See also inscriptions about Charioteers in textbook, page 258.

Write an autobiographical story in which you pretend to be an auriga. How did you come to be a charioteer? What faction(s) have you ridden for? Who has financed your faction and what do you think of him?  Have you had favorite horses? If so, what are/were their names? What have your successes been? Close calls. Have you been disabled? By what event? Be creative AND use specific details from the historical texts (As the Romans Did & the EcceRomani readings from the teacher’s manual.) Cite these texts by giving the author and title of the text in parentheses. See also inscriptions about Charioteers in textbook, page 258.

Write an advertisement for a day at the Circus. Who is sponsoring it? Who is paying for it? Who will be the most outstanding charioteers riding for the Whites, Reds, Blues and Greens? Include specific details about each charioteer. Who do you expect to be winners and why? Be creative AND use specific details from the historical texts (As the Romans Did & the Ecce Romani readings from theteacher’s manual.) Cite these texts by giving the author and title of the text in parentheses. See also inscriptions about Charioteers in textbook, page 258.

Here is the link to the supplemental historical texts from the teacher's manual. The text by Sidonius is noteworthy because of its late date, 430, its detailed descriptions, and because Sidonius was or soon would become a bishop. He clearly does not see races as promoting decadence. There are many fascinating facts and perspectives in these sources.
*Read!!! all the historical texts before choosing your project. Your use of actual historical sources will be a large factor in your grade. You should read the primary sources carefully and collect details that you think can make whatever project you choose more compelling. What stands out to you? What details do you find most interesting?

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