Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Thursday October 3 Pluperfect & Future Perfect

Objective: Review answers to Pluperfect and Future Perfect Exercises.


These are the endings added to the perfect stem to form the pluperfect tense, used to indicate an action that preceded a perfect or imperfect action. These endings are exactly the same as the imperfect forms of sum, esse.

24 b & c Exercises and answers

Future perfect

The endings for the future perfect are exactly the same as the future forms of sum, esse except for the third person plural (erint not erunt). They are added to the perfect stem. The future perfect indicates an action that will have happened before a main clause verb in the future. 

Exempli gratis: Si baculum conieceris, canes ferociter latrabunt. If you will have thrown the stick, the dogs will bark fiercely.

conicio, conicere, conieci, coniectus - throw, throw together, put together

24 b & c Exercises and answers

Future perfect

24d future perfect p. 219 (with Answer Key)

Quizizz: 24 Chapter Ecce Romani Pluperfect and Future Perfect Exercises: Vocabulary.  Madeline and Hunter have not yet enrolled in Latin III for Quizizz. Set up as Homework. Open
and enter this code 075240

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