Monday, October 28, 2019

Monday October 28 - Friday November 1 -with updates

Update: I am going to call during class today to get a reading on how things have gone with Latin III and Latin II.  I still cannot drive so I am not able to pick up notes and materials a sub might have left. Grades have to go in tomorrow and I want to be fair in my expectations of how much was/could have been accomplished. 

Latin III: Practice Pronouns and Demonstrative Adjectives Chapter 27 Pronouns Quizizz - 15 questions and enter this code 147372

Latin III 26-27 Ecce Romani Demonstrative and personal pronouns - 10 questions and enter this code 810438

Here is a link to Latin II's assigned work for the week.

Here is a link to answers for exercises in the Activity Book for Chapter 17.  Thought it might help with Latin II.


Monday October 28 - Friday November 1

Task 01
Use class time on Monday to complete Google Classroom assignments that you have not completed.

Continue with the following Google Classroom assignment. 

Task 02. Read the Word Study Section pages 259-261.  Then do Exercise 2, 3 and 4 in the Word Study Section. 

Task 03
Review VI 260-263. Exercise VIa

Task 04
Review VI 260-263. Exercise VIb

Task 05
Review VI 260-263. Exercise VIe

We are now about to move into book II!

Latin II is requesting hands-on help with Google Classroom assignments. I planned to have a conference call with them today, during class, in order to offer the guidance they are seeking. JaQuan,  Eli and T'Keisah especially eager for this. The others may be too, just not so vocal about it. 

I am going to have to postpone the conference call in order to go the doctor's office to get a prescription renewal. And go to the pharmacy. Let the Latin II students know that I can reschedule the conference call for tomorrow. 

If any of you are willing to coach Latin II students with Google Classroom assignments, I would really appreciate it. Keep a log identifying the student(s), assignments and time spent.  You can trade in tutoring credits to 1) excuse your own missing work; 2) earn 95-100 for an extra classwork credit or an A quiz credit. 3) boost any grades you would like to improve.

I am not going to give you any more assignments until Friday, when I give you the basic texts for Chapter 28.

So what do you think? Email me at

I am doing fairly well. I do feel as if I was a lady in a magician's box who actually got sawed in half, with no magic.  Since my leg is better, I think that recovery from surgery is all that is going on. 

I would appreciate any feedback on the substitutes and information that can make your experience better. 

It was fun to read your Circus Projects!

For Latin II
Here are the answers to Activity Book Exercises b-d
Chapter 17 Activity 17b:
1. E
2. C
6. C
7. E
8. A
9. E

Activity 17c:
1. videt
2. Videsne
3. video
4. Videtisne
5. videmus
6. vident
7. Audisne
8. audio
9. Auditisne
10. audimus
11. audiunt  
12. audimus
13. petitis
14. petimus
15. Petite
16. petunt
17. ambulat
18. ambulamus
19. ambulatis
20. ambulas
21. ambulo

Activity 17 d:
1. haerebat; The carriage was stuck in the ditch.
2. legebas; "Cornelia, what were you reading?"
3. habebat; The innkeeper used to have/had many horses.
4. extrahebant; Cornelius's horses were not dragging the carriage out of the ditch;
5. Pernoctabatisne; "Were you spending the night in an inn?"

6. ducebas; You were leading/taking/bringing the horses to the inn.

7. manebat; The coachman was remaining/staying in the road.

8. Custodiebasne "Were you guarding the horses in the road?"
9. custodiebam; "Yes, I was guarding the horses in the road."
10. pernoctabant; The Comelii were spending the night in the inn.
11. veniebant; The Cornelii were coming from the country house and farm.
12. laborabant; Peasants were working in the fields.

13.ludebam; I was playing ball in the road with Marcus.

14. ambulabamus; We were walking to the inn on the Appian Way.

15. clamabamus, erat; We were shouting "Bring help!" in a loud voice because the danger was great.

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