Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Friday October 4. Test Reading Comprehension. Rome's Fiercest Enemy


NH – Novice High Proficiency Level
NH.CLL.2.4 Compare simple fiction texts with non-fiction texts about familiar topics.
NH.CLL.3.1 Create simple phrases and short sentences in spoken or written presentations to provide information about familiar topics.
NH.CLL.3.2 Use the language to recite and act out poetry, songs, and simple stories from the target culture.
NH.CLL.3.3 Produce simple dialogues and short skits using familiar structures and vocabulary.
NH.CLL.4.1 Classify basic cultural practices of people in the target culture and the students’ culture.
NH.CLL.4.2 Use learned cognates and loan words to express ideas on familiar topics.
NH.CLL.4.3 Analyze the language conventions from simple written and spoken texts in the target language.
NH.COD.2.2 Analyze simple texts containing familiar vocabulary from other disciplines in terms of the main ideas and supporting details.
NH.COD.2.3 Interpret simple processes from other disciplines using the target language.
NH.COD.3.3 Use readily available technology tools and digital literacy skills to present academic information in the target language.
NH.COD.4.1 Understand cultural practices and perspectives from the target culture.
NH.COD.4.2 Identify the products of the target culture.
NH.CMT.2 Understand words and concepts presented in the language.         
NH.CMT.2.1 Understand practices, products, and perspectives on familiar topics from simple texts.
NH.CMT.4 Compare the students’ culture and the target culture.     
NH.CMT.4.1 Compare traditions and events of the target culture and the students’ culture.
NH.CMT.4.2 Identify examples of products, practices, and perspectives in the community related to the target culture.NH.CMT.4.3 Identify key characteristics of target culture traditions.

Part I
Rome's Fiercest Enemy (Google Classroom). Read, answer questions and post in Google Classroom.. Due Monday.

Organize your notebooks and turn them in to the sub so I can pick them up and grade them over the weekend.

Quizizz: 24 Chapter Ecce Romani Pluperfect and Future Perfect Exercises: Vocabulary.  Madeline and Hunter have not yet enrolled in Latin III for Quizizz. Set up as Homework. Open
and enter this code 075240

Part II
Friday October 4. Work with Latin II to complete the following motto project. Each student must produce two illustrated mottoes.

Objective: Adopt Latin mottoes and illustrate them. Review work done September 30 and October 01, identify and  answer questions. Introduction to Chapter 14.

EQ. Why do you think that so many organizations choose Latin mottoes?  

Bellwork: Latin Mottoes on page 103.  More mottoes can be found in Quizlet.

Read over the mottoes on page 103 and in Quizlet. Choose 2 to illustrate. Your illustrations should contain the Latin, but not the translation. 

Design your motto illustrations to look like a simple symbol, a logo, a bumper sticker, a coat of arms or as a book illustration.  

Your illustrated motto must be large enough to be read from across the room. 

Sketch out your illustration in pencil then add color.
If you want to explore alternate mottoes (for example of the college you want to go to; or a branch of the military, or a profession) you may do that.

Finally. Latin occurs in many spheres of activity.  Through a combination of book and internet research, Find key terms, expressions or mottoes in one of the following:
US money
buildings & monuments
medicine (anatomy & physiology)

Locate a tatoo containing a Latin error. (extra credit)

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