Short Summaries of Reigns of Kings

Summary of each king's reign:

·        Romulus founded Rome and devised a set of laws. He also succeeded in getting wives for Roman men.
·        Numa Pompilius established religion and law in Rome.
·        Tullus Hostilius's reign was marked by violent military campaigns.
·        Ancus Marcius focused on construction projects such as new city walls, a prison, and a bridge across the Tiber.
·        Lucius Tarquinius Priscus came from Etruria and took the throne by fraud. He was assassinated.
·        Servius Tullius was a well-respected king. He organized Roman society by holding the first census, established a class system, and enlarged the size of the city to its seven hills to accommodate its growing population.
·        Tarquinius Superbus was an extremely violent king. He killed many Roman senators and did not seek the senate's consent. He built the temple of Jupiter on the Capitoline and the Cloaca Maxima, the main sewer system in Rome.

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