Answers to Activities for Chapter 17

Chapter 17 Activity 17b:
1. E
2. C
6. C
7. E
8. A
9. E

Activity 17c:
1. videt
2. Videsne
3. video
4. Videtisne
5. videmus
6. vident
7. Audisne
8. audio
9. Auditisne
10. audimus
11. audiunt  
12. audimus
13. petitis
14. petimus
15. Petite
16. petunt
17. ambulat
18. ambulamus
19. ambulatis
20. ambulas
21. ambulo

Activity 17 d:
1. haerebat; The carriage was stuck in the ditch.
2. legebas; "Cornelia, what were you reading?"
3. habebat; The innkeeper used to have/had many horses.
4. extrahebant; Cornelius's horses were not dragging the carriage out of the ditch;
5. Pernoctabatisne; "Were you spending the night in an inn?"

6. ducebas; You were leading/taking/bringing the horses to the inn.

7. manebat; The coachman was remaining/staying in the road.

8. Custodiebasne "Were you guarding the horses in the road?"
9. custodiebam; "Yes, I was guarding the horses in the road."
10. pernoctabant; The Comelii were spending the night in the inn.
11. veniebant; The Cornelii were coming from the country house and farm.
12. laborabant; Peasants were working in the fields.

13.ludebam; I was playing ball in the road with Marcus.

14. ambulabamus; We were walking to the inn on the Appian Way.

15. clamabamus, erat; We were shouting "Bring help!" in a loud voice because the danger was great.

Activity 17e:
1. "Why do you (pl.) not wish/want to spend the night in an inn?"

2. "We do not wish/want to spend the night in an inn because inns are dangerous."

3. ''Where are you going and what are you carrying?"

 4. “I am.going to the inn, and I am carrying my chest."
5. The courier is going quickly along the road.

Activity 17f.    
1. nolo
2. is
3. fert
4. Vis
5. volo

Activity 17g:
1. We were going to Rome.
2. The coachman was carrying a switch.
3. You (pl.) were carrying food in the carriage.
4. We were not wishing/wanting to remain in the ditch.
5.. You (pl.) were wishing/wanting to spend the night in the country house of a friend.

Activity 17h:
1. nolebat
2. nolebamus
3. ibant
4. referbat
5. Ibat, volebas

Activity 17i:
1. Fer cistam ad agrum, Sexte!
2. ite ad agros, pueri!
3. Noli Comeliam pila ferire,_Sexte!
4. Ferte pilam, pueri!
5. i ad matrem, Cornelia!
6. Nolite ibi ludere, pueri!
7. ite nunc ad raedam, Sexte et Marce!

Activity 17j:
1. Raedarius erat miser quod erat solus in via.
2. Syrus, "Cisium," inquit, "vitiire volebam sed non poteram."
3. Omnes Comelii et Sextus et Eucleides ad cauponam ibant.
4. In via pernoctare nolebant.
5. Syrus, "Ad cauponam ire," inquit, "nolebam quod Cornelius erat

Activity 17k:
1. aedificium, building; building
2. custodio, to guard; guard, protect
3. aqua, water; fero, to bring, carry; carries water
4. vow, to wish, want; wish, want
5. exeo, to go out; go out, leave

Activity 171:
1. V
2. F
3. F
4. F
5. V
6. F

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