Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Tuesday - Thursday September 17-19


Alternative nouns for noun chart. Complete chart.
Adjective chart on page 188. Write out a full set of forms for one of these 3rd declension adjectives: immemor, immemoris (forgetful) or ingens, ingentis (huge)

Collaborative: Finish Translation of Story 22 "From the Inn to Rome."

Do exercises 22d and 22f and submit in Google Classroom

Read the inscribed stone funerary relief of Lucius Aurelius Hermia and his wife Aurelia Philematium, two freed slaves of Greek origin, portrayed as Roman citizens. Write a paragraph about your response to the inscription. What is striking to you? Surprises you? What does the tomb tell us about Roman culture and cultural assimilation in the late first century? About marriage? About the financial status of some freed slaves?
Find direct link to British Museum site or go through Google Classroom.

Then read the tomb inscriptions (327, 230, 341-3) in the “Sources for Women in Roman Society” from As the Romans Did (same section in Google Classroom). Make short notes on your responses to what you read. What do you learn that adds to or echoes the tomb of Aurelia Philematium?

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