Monday, September 16, 2019

Monday September 16




Bellwork: Copy the vocabulary for Chapter 22 "From the Inn to Rome" into your notebooks. Google Classroom link. Then listen to the audio for story and vocabulary.

Guided: 22a Responde Latine EXERCISE 22a

1. Cui Sextus militis fabulam narrabat?

2. Quid Eucleides faciebat?

3. Quid dixit caupo ubi Cornelii discedebant?

4. Quid fecit raedarius?

5. Quid Sextus Marco explicavit?

6. Quid pueri conspexerunt?

7. Cur sepulcra non sunt intra urbem?

8. Cuius est alterum sepulcrum?

9. Audivitne Marcus de Caecilia Metella?

10. Quis Cornelios ad Portam Capenam excipiet?

Cuius ... ? Whose ... ?
Independent: Copy full noun chart page 186

Independent: Read word study section pages 196-197. Do the questions 2, 3, 6, 7 and 9 in Exercise 2, then Do Exercise 3.

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