Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Tuesday November 19 Food

Chapter 2, Ecce. Continue on to Chapter 2. 

Find text and activity sheet here..

When you have finished Responde Latine and pre-reading derivatives, do internet research on Apicius, who wrote an ancient Roman cookbook. 

What were common meals?  It is hard to cook using Apicius' book alone, because s/he did not give measurements. 

Browse the other articles that come up when you google Apicius. Take notes on one's you find interesting and summarize so you can recommend them to other students.

E.G.  Nova  Ancient Roman Foods

Ancient Roman Foods Classical Encyclopedia

Book Review

Try to find one article that focuses on adapting Roman Recipes for today.  For example, there is one that suggests that you make stuffed dormice out of marshmallows.

I have two doormice living under my sink, if anyone wants one.

Homework: Translate first paragraph of Chapter 02.

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