Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Wednesday November 27

Answers to textbook exercises 30b-d are in Google Classroom.

Read pages 26-29 and answer the questions on p. 29.

Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving Break.  I am hoping to see you again on Monday.  Off now to the doctor... Depends on his assessment.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Monday, November 25, 2019

Monday November 25

Watch this video on the passive voice

Read pages 23-24 and copy charts on passive forms

Copy vocabulary for "Fire" into your notebooks (p. 21-22)

As a group read and translate "Fire" p.21. 

Answer Responde Latine questions in Latin. Submit to Google Classroom HERE.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Thursday -Friday November 21-22

Use the Quizlet translation of Chapter 29 to help you translate as a group the story. Take turns trying to translate the Latin first, then look at the translation.

Finally, answer Responde Latine in Latin.

Check your answers to 29b

Read 13-15 and do 29e and 29f. Then read 18-19 and do 29g and 29f.

There is a lot of vocabulary in this chapter. Especially verbs. Record and learn them.

I apologize for all these exercises.  I am just not well enough yet to plan otherwise. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

20 November Wednesday

As a group, translate "Going to Market" p. 11

29b, c and d in textbook. 

Latin II may need help with the perfect tense.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Tuesday November 19 Food

Chapter 2, Ecce. Continue on to Chapter 2. 

Find text and activity sheet here..

When you have finished Responde Latine and pre-reading derivatives, do internet research on Apicius, who wrote an ancient Roman cookbook. 

What were common meals?  It is hard to cook using Apicius' book alone, because s/he did not give measurements. 

Browse the other articles that come up when you google Apicius. Take notes on one's you find interesting and summarize so you can recommend them to other students.

E.G.  Nova  Ancient Roman Foods

Ancient Roman Foods Classical Encyclopedia

Book Review

Try to find one article that focuses on adapting Roman Recipes for today.  For example, there is one that suggests that you make stuffed dormice out of marshmallows.

I have two doormice living under my sink, if anyone wants one.

Homework: Translate first paragraph of Chapter 02.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Monday November 18

My surgery wounds are not healing as they should. So I have to go to the doctor's office on Monday and Tuesday.

Please play Bellum with Latin II (back of sub notebook). 

Tuesday November 19 Preparing to Go Shopping Ecce Romani II

Review vocabulary words in Quizlet

Study translation p. 2 using Quizlet set. Try to work through the Latin before turning the card over to see the translation.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

28d Relative pronouns and clauses TEXTBOOK

Subordinate clauses (many types)
  • Relative clauses -common type
  • introduced by relative pronoun
  • modifies a noun or pronoun in the main clause (“the antecedent”)

Crines eius curabant duae ancillae, [quarum altera speculum tenebat.]
                                  antecedent       relative pronoun

Phrygia,             [quae               crines neglenter pectebat,]  dominam vexabat.
antecedent            relative pronoun

Relative pronouns | The parts of speech | Grammar | Khan Academy - video

What makes relative clauses tricky? Its form depends on two things

  • the gender and number of the antecedent
  • the case required by the function of the relative pronoun in its own clause
line 8: Pater tuus amicos quosdam, in quibus sunt senatores 
                             antecedent                                relative pronoun
praclari, ad cenam hodie invitavit. 

Identify the antecedent:

1. Sextus est puer strenuus qui saepe in agris et in horto currit.

2. Davus omnes servos in aream quae est prope villam venire iubet.

3. Aurelia et Cornelia spectabant rusticos qui in agris laborabant.

4. Marcus pede vexabat Corneliam quae donnire volebat.

5. "Lecticarii, quos vobis conduxi, vos domum ferent," inquit Titus.

6. "Hic est arcus," inquit Titus, "quem...."

7. Sextus iam cogitabat de omnibus rebus quas Titus heri narraverat.

8. Boves lapides quadratos in plaustro trahebant ad novum aedificium quod Caesar conficiebat.

9. Sunt multi homines scelesti qui bona civium arripiunt.

See answers and explanations for 28d.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Tuesday November 12-November 14

Tuesday November 12-Thursday November 14

27e and 27f were assigned for Friday. Practice pronouns with the Quia exercises bellow.  Read/study first in your textbook pages 253-256.

27e Choosing the Correct 1st or 2nd Person Pronoun

27f Choosing the Correct 3rd person Pronoun

Assigned for last Wednesday (check to see if you did these)
Task 01. Read the Story Preparing to Go Shopping

Task 02. Exercise 28a: Responde Latine

Task 03. Study the the grammar presented on 4-5. Take notes

Task 04. Exercise 28d Relative Clauses page 06

Task 05. Exercise 28e. page 6
Process: Decide first what gender, then what number, and finally what case each relative pronoun needs to be. Explain each decision. In most cases the relative clause interrupts the main clause. A subordinate clause will always be completed before the main clause resumes.

After you have completed 28a. Check your answers using this link.

After you have finished 28d. Check your answers here and correct

After you have finished 28e, Check your answers and correct. 

HOMEWORKStudy for Bellum - adverbs and adjectives
Task 06-07 (this can be deferred until tomorrow if you run out of time.

Task 08. Tie up loose strings of assignments in Google Classroom.

Task 09 (if time allows) . Puzzle review of vocabulary from 26-27. I have included 2 sets of pieces so that you can choose whether you want to solve the puzzle in one or two groups.  Objective: Align vocabulary words on edges of rectangular pieces so that they make one 8.5 x 11 sheet.

Task 10. As a group translate story 28. Skip lines between your English translation so you can add any corrections later. 

Study for Bellum

Thursday November 14

Spend 15 minutes reviewing adverbs and adjectives with this Quizlet link. 

I would like you to play Bellum (War) with Latin II. However, you may sit out a game to finish outstanding assignments.  Plan to play at least one game. Find the rules for Bellum here.

Check list:
Ecce Romani 28 text and vocabulary

Ecce Romani 28 pre-reading derivatives

Ecce Romani 28 Responde Latine

28d Ecce Romani Relative Clauses

28e Ecce Romani Relative Clauses

I would like everyone to be up-to-date on assignments by Friday.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Friday November 8

When you have finished other assignments from this week, practice pronouns with the Quia exercises bellow.  Read/study first in your textbook pages 253-256.

27e Choosing the Correct 1st or 2nd Person Pronoun

27f Choosing the Correct 3rd person Pronoun

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Wednesday November 6

Yesterday you were asked to do:

Read Story XXVIII (Book II) Answer Responde Latine.

Study the grammar sections on Relative Clauses and Pronouns. Copy chart on page 4 into your notebooks.

Do Exercise 28d.

HOWEVER, I don't know whether you did because you were also offered the option to create movie pitches for myths. 

Either choice would have been fine. 

Complete the following today and tomorrow and submit to Google Classroom.
Task 01. Read the Story Preparing to Go Shopping

Task 02. Exercise 28a: Responde Latine

Task 03. Study the the grammar presented on 4-5. Take notes

Task 04. Exercise 28d Relative Clauses page 06

Task 05. Exercise 28e. page 6
Process: Decide first what gender, then what number, and finally what case each relative pronoun needs to be. Explain each decision. In most cases the relative clause interrupts the main clause. A subordinate clause will always be completed before the main clause resumes.

After you have completed 28a. Check your answers using this link.

After you have finished 28d. Check your answers here and correct

After you have finished 28e, Check your answers and correct. 

Task 06 (if time allows) . Puzzle review of vocabulary from 26-27. I have included 2 sets of pieces so that you can choose whether you want to solve the puzzle in one or two groups.  Objective: Align vocabulary words on edges of rectangular pieces so that they make one 8.5 x 11 sheet.


Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Tuesday November 5

Read Story XXVIII (Book II) Answer Responde Latine.

Study the grammar sections on Relative Clauses and Pronouns. Copy chart on page 4 into your notebooks.

Do Exercise 28d from Activity Book. See Google Classroom.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Monday November 4

This is a choice day for you. 

You may choose to do the assignment I have posted for Latin II (From Myths to Movies). Or you can use the time to get your Latin materials organized and/or completed. I did not include any grades after October 25 in PowerSchool. So, you can finish anything you have still to do.

Looking forward to seeing you next Monday. I can't yet drive. But I think I came out on the right side of surgery.