28e Exercise (page 6)

28e (page 6)

Process: Decide first what gender, then what number, and finally what case each relative pronoun needs to be. Explain each decision. In most cases the relative clause interrupts the main clause. A subordinate clause will always be completed before the main clause resumes.

1. masc., pl., acc.; quos. Aurelia's hair, which two slave-women were taking care of, was beautiful.

2. fern., sing., gen.; cuius. Syra, whose hand was trembling, was not holding the
mirror well.

3. fem., pl., gen.; quarum. The slave-women, whose carelessness was annoying
Aurelia, were lazy.

4. fern., sing., acc.; quam. Soon Cornelia, whom Aurelia had called, entered the

5. masc., sing., dat.; cui. The slave, to whom Aurelia had given money, bought a pig.

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