28d Exercise page 6 Book II

Answers 28d
1. Sextus is an energetic boy, who often runs in the fields and in the garden.
qui: masc., sing. because of the antecedent, puer strenuus; nom. because
subject of currit.

2. Davus orders all the slaves to come onto the threshing floor, which is near the
country house. quae: fern., sing. because of the antecedent, aream; nom. because
subject of est.

3. Aurelia and Cornelia were watching the peasants who were working in the fields.
qui: masc., pl. because of the antecedent, rusticos; nom. because subject of

4. With his foot, Marcus was annoying Cornelia, who wanted to sleep.
quae: fem., sing. because of the antecedent, Corneliam; nom. because subject of volebat.

5. "The litter-bearers, whom I have hired for you, will carry you home," said Titus.
quos: masc., pl. because of the antecedent, lecticarii; acc. because object of

6. "Here is the arch," said Titus, "that-" quem: masc., sing. because of the
antecedent, arcus; ace. because direct object of the unspoken verb aedificavit.

7. Sextus was now thinking about all the things that Titus had told yesterday.
quas: fern., pl. because of the antecedent, omnibus rebus; ace. because direct
object of narraverat.

8. Oxen were dragging squared stones in a wagon to the new building that Caesar
was finishing.
quod: neut., sing. because of the antecedent, novum aedificium;
acc. because direct object of conficiebat.

9. There are many wicked men who snatch the goods of citizens.
qui: masc., pl. because of the antecedent, multi homines scelesti; nom. because subject of arripiunt.

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