Friday, December 20, 2019

Friday December 20

Do Workbook Grammatica section for Wheelock 29 and 4 Exercitationes. Use the textbook to answer these questions.

Kahoot Imperfect Subjunctive

Thursday, December 19, 2019

December 19

December 19

Bellwork: review Wheelock text on subjunctive and Workbook Grammatica - Chapter 28
Quizizz practice - Present Subjunctive then  enter this code  623366 (unlimited attempts)

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Wednesday December 18

One of the most important Roman holidays was Saturnalia. This PowerPoint gives you the basics of Saturnalia Customs.

Greetings: Io Saturnalia (Ho, Yo, Hurray Saturnalia).  Sit prospera Saturnalia (May your Saturnalia be prosperous, bring good things, be lucky)

With Latin II practice singing the Saturnalia song. Note the uses of the subjunctive.

Use the Quizlet set for Chapter 28 Wheelock on Sententiae Antiquae. Try to translate before you look at the back of the flashcard. 

As there is time, begin Chapter 29 Workbook Grammatica Section.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Monday - Tuesday December 16-17 Subjunctive mood - Present Subjunctive - Jussive and Purpose Clauses

December 16-17

Link to LatinTutorial Videos

EQs: When is the subjunctive used instead of the indicative? What does the Jussive Subjunctive express? What do purpose clauses express and with what words do they begin?

Read pages 227-230 in Wheelock, Chapter 28 and do Grammatica section of Workbook 1-16; then 1-6 in Exercitationes of Workbook. Most of the words you may not know are in the Vocabula section of the textbook (page 230-231) The Grammatica section gives questions that follow closely the information as presented in the textbook. So read the questions from the Workbook as you work through the text. 

Choose your favorite mnemonic for remembering what vowels go with what conjugations in the subjunctive mood. Vowel stem for the present subjunctive of a regularly conjugated verb: I = e II = ea III = a IIIio & IV = ia

Let’s eat caviar!

Ben reads a diary!

She wears a tiara!

We beat all liars!

She eats a pizza!'

She wears a diamond tiara.

Finish Exercitationes 1-6 in Workbook
Then turn to Exercitationes in Wheelock Textbook. In Google Classroom you will find a Quizlet set with translations of the textbook Exercitationes. Try to figure out these 11 sentences on your own before looking at the translation. 

Guided: Sententiae antiquae. (last 15 minutes)  Quizlet 28 Sententiae antiquae.

If there is time you may begin the Grammatica section of the Workbook for Chapter 29. Otherwise, cras faciemus.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Thursday -Friday December 12

31 Textbook Exercises 31d and 31e (Handout) - Check answers in Google Classroom.

Chapter 28 Wheelock - Introduction to Subjunctive Mood. Jussive and Purpose Clauses.

Sententiae Antiquae Wheelock 28 (p. 232) in Quizlet

National Latin Exam Kahoot Set - 50 questions

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Tuesday-Wednesday December 10 - 11

Study vocabulary for Chapters 28 and 29


Quizlet 28

Quizlet 29

Retake Kahoot on 28-29 vocabulary

Quizlet 30

Quizlet 31

30 Ecce Romani STORY Fire - translation

Link to translation of Story 31 Pseudolus

HANDOUT. 31 Textbook Exercises d and e (read building the Meaning page 34 first)